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Z Wave Waiting Room Roll-Up Banner - Enhanced Body Contouring

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Zimmer MedizinSystems Z Wave Premium Quality Waiting Room Roll-Up Banner  

  • Wave Pro waiting room poster with focus on enhanced body contouring with the device
  • Keep your patients informed about the great benefits of a Wave Pro treatment
  • Market your treatment options effectively to your patients
  • Easy, no tools required, sets up in about a minute
  • Add decor to your waiting room
  • 33”W x 80”H ; includes a carrying case

Product Description 

The Zimmer MedizinSystems Wave Pro Waiting Room Roll-up Banner is specifically designed for the practitioner's waiting room. 

It informs patients that Z Wave Pro enhanced body contouring treatments are available in the office. The body responds to the Z Wave Pro sound waves with increased metabolic activity in the form of lymphatic drainage and increased blood circulation. The outcome is an enhancement of body contouring results. The Zimmer MedizinSystems Z Wave Pro waiting room banner for enhanced body contouring provides valuable information to patients interested in body contouring treatments.

The Zimmer MedizinSystems Z Wave Pro Waiting Room Banner for enhanced body contouring engages patients in the waiting room with a picture of a Z Wave treatment after body contouring.

Banner text: 

This office uses Z Wave to enhance body contouring results!

  • No down time
  • Visible results
  • Gentle and comfortable
  • Non-invasive treatment
  • Quicker, easier recovery

 The size of the Z Wave Pro  Waiting Room Roll-up Banner is 33’W x 80”H.  It comes with a carrying case and sets up in about a minute without tools. It will get the attention of your patients.

All sales are final. Call # 800-327-3576 or email with any questions.