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Cryo Hose Adapter for Arion Laser

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Zimmer MedizinSystems Cryo Hose Adapter for Use With the Arion Laser

  • Cryo Hose Adapter for use in conjunction with the Arion Laser for hair removal.
  • Custom designed for the Zimmer MedizinSystems Cryo device to work with the dimensions and specifications of the Alma Lasers Arion Laser clamp.
  • Arion Laser attaches easily to the Cryo Hose or Extended Hose with this Adapter.
  • Part of the assembly that enables simultaneous treatment with Arion Laser and Cryo device with one hand.
  • Facilitates cold air delivery and pain minimization on the area being treated by the Arion Laser.

Cryo Hose Adapter for Arion Laser – Seamless Integration

The Zimmer MedizinSystems Cryo Hose Adapter is intended to adapt the Cryo hose for seamless integration with the Arion Laser. This laser’s stated applications include hair removal.

It attaches to the Zimmer MedizinSystems hose and adapts the width of the hose for easy connection to the Arion Laser clamp.   By using this adapter on the Zimmer MedizinSystems Cryo device, extra hands and staff are not needed to hold the Cryo and Arion laser devices separately.

While using the Arion alexandrite laser for hair removal with the Zimmer MedizinSystems Cryo device attached, you may simultaneously and precisely treat the area with Zimmer MedizinSystems cold therapy and it will not interfere with the laser beam.

This adapter allows the practitioner to focus on the laser procedure, while effortlessly providing the pain minimization effect of Cryo therapy to the patient.

The Zimmer MedizinSystems Cryo Hose Adapter for Arion Laser is intended for use with  Zimmer MedizinSystems Cryo skin cooling systems. Only genuine Zimmer MedizinSystems models should be equipped with this Adapter for the Arion Laser.

The Zimmer MedizinSystems Cryo Hose works in combination with the Cryo Hose and/or Extended Hose and Articulating Arm to deliver cold air of temperatures down to -30 C from the Zimmer MedizinSystems Cryo skin cooling system to the treatment site. The cold air is typically intended to minimize pain and thermal injury during laser and dermatological treatments and for temporary topical anesthetic relief for injections. The epidermis is cooled before, during, and after laser energy has been applied – without interfering with the laser beam. 

All genuine Zimmer MedizinSystems parts are made of premium quality, durable materials.

All sales on parts are final. Call # 800-327-3576 or email with any questions. Please visit to learn more about the Cryo units.