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Cryo 6 Water Container Plug

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Cryo 6 Plug For Water Container


  • Cryo 6 Plug for Water Container 

  • As a standard part of operation, when the Cryo 6 cooling device is turned off after use and when the defrost program is initiated, the cooling system warms and generates condensation.

  • Plug for Water Container is a red plastic stopper that is specially designed to fit securely into the Cryo 6 Water Drain Container to hold accumulated condensation.

  • Simple installation with gripping fit ensures that condensation will not drip along the sides of Cryo 6 cooling system, creating potentially dangerous moisture on treatment room floors.


Cryo 6 Water Container Plug - Condensation Protection


The Cryo 6 Plug for Water Drain Container is a red plastic stopper that fits into the Water Drain Container.  The Cryo 6 collects condensation that occurs as  a standard part of the device's operation.  The Cryo 6 cooling device warms up when it is turned off after use and when the defrost program is initiated.  This warming creates some condensation, which is drained into the Water Drain Container.  The Plug for Water Drain Container is essential, with simple installation and a gripping fit.  This ensures that condensation will not drip along the sides of Cryo 6 cooling system, creating potentially dangerous moisture on treatment room floors.  The Cryo 6 device will operate without the Plug for Water Drain Container.  However, if the Plug is not in place or is not replaced firmly enough after removal and emptying of the Water Drain Container, then condensation will not route properly to the Water Drain Container.  Water will begin to drip off of the sides of the device. Up to 1 liter of collected condensation can be held before the container will need to be emptied.  When the Cryo 6 device panel needs to be emptied, a  “Condensate container full” message will appear on the display and therapy will not be able to start.  Directions on the display will guide you through the process.  It is recommended to also clean the Water Drain Container with two drops of bleach after emptying. Replace the Water Drain Container to the Cryo 6 device after emptying and cleaning.  When reinstalling the Water Drain Container, make sure that the Plug for Water Drain Container is firmly in place and that the container is pushed in completely and locked into position.


The Cryo 6 Water Container Plug


The Cryo 6 Plug For Water Drain Container is intended for use with the Cryo 6 Water Drain Container.  The removable container should be emptied and cleaned regularly and then replaced into unit after cleaning.

Only Cryo 6 skin cooling models should be equipped with the Cryo 6 Water Container Plugs .  Other Cryo models should be fitted with their corresponding parts.

All sales on parts are final. Call # 800-327-3576 or email with any questions. Please visit to learn more about the Cryo units.