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Swiveling Base for ZWave Pro Table Unit

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Swiveling Base for ZWave Pro Table Unit

  • Specially designed swiveling base for ZWave Pro table unit
  • Elegant and functional design
  • Allows for optimal angle for user when treating patients
  • Great when used in between treatment chairs
  • Sturdy materials and durable construction
  • Easy to clean and  maintain

Swiveling Base for ZWave Pro Table Unit – Flexibility and Control

The swiveling base is specifically designed for the Zimmer MedizinSystems ZWave Pro Table Unit.   The swiveling base will provide a base to safely and stably rest your ZWave Pro Table unit. The swiveling base can be used whether the ZWave Pro table unit is in use or not in use. The swiveling base will give the user the optimal angle to view and operate the monitor of the ZWave Pro table unit. It also allows for lots a flexibility if the ZWave Pro table unit is placed in between treatment chairs or for a treatment room with limited space.

Works with:

ZWave Pro Table Unit:  Radial Pulse treatment system. Sold separately

The ZWave Pro table unitis primarily designed to temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite and to enhance body shaping results. To treat cellulite, the Zimmer MedizinSystems ZWave Pro table unit transmits powerful sound waves into the tissue. The Radial Pulse energy is delivered via an electromagnetic applicator. The energy then spreads out radially to enhance the treatment effect.

Adding a ZWave Pro table unit from Zimmer MedizinSystems to your practice is a unique and economical way to enhance your offerings. The benefits to your practice are immediate.  Demonstrate to your patients these cutting edge, non-invasive treatment options that produce consistently and gently visible results. An investment in the ZWave Pro table unit can pay dividends in happier patients, referrals and repeat business.

For more information on the Zimmer MedizinSystems swiveling base for the ZWave Pro table unit, please visit our website at, contact us at, or call us toll free at 800-327-3576.


All sales on parts are final. Call # 800-327-3576 or email with any questions. Please visit to learn more about the ZWave Pro units.